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By: Tanya Sperling

Dorms 3 and 8 worked together to plan a great co-ed MBA/Sports program for the last Friday of ILTC. The program included an MBA role playing game on dating, an Apache Relay, and a round or two of Fish Bowl. During the Apache Relay, all the ILTC participants were split into four teams, and had a race that consisted of a human pyramid, a "make me laugh" station and more. It was an amazing and unforgettable program.

By: Michael Porzucki

You'd think it would be easy, but a group of twenty kids argued continuously over what community service program to do for the Perlman Community. Directors stressed that the group choose a program that would affect the whole community. George Scheer encouraged teh group by speaking about his ILTC experience. The group finally came to the decision that they would hold a community service carnival, complete with a course on education, communiter service at home, and camp related projects. The community service group broke into smaller groups to attack a large problem. The group was very successful in raising awareness of a very important topic. Participant Bobby Nooromid comments, "through ti took much time and thinking, dorms 6 and 9 were able to pull off some awesome community service oriented projects."

By: Josh Marcus

The ILTC Camp has had a wonderful 2 weeks. The last week of camp should be a good one because dorms are teaming together to plan a big Project. Some dorms have teamed together to plan a Community Service Project, MBA/Sports and Shabbat Services, while dorms 2 and 4 have been assigned to plan a Social Action Program. The Social Action Program will focus on disabilities; blindness, deafness, cerebral palsy, learning & mental disabilities. The program will last around an hour and a half. The participants will be put into three groups all relating to the six specific disabilities that will be focused on. In order to show that people who have a disability can't choose what kind of disability they have, the participants will NOT choose which programs to go to. After everyone has been to three sessions, the group will come together and talk about what they've learned.

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